Stonewall Collegiate Institute
1956 - 57
Grade 11 Class
Ken Kikukawa

Ken left school before the end of June in 1957 to take a position with Manitoba Hydro, but graduated with his class in 1957. Therefore, his photo did not appear in the yearbook that was published in June 1957. This is his graduation photo circa 1957.

Where is he now?
Annie Tomyk

Annie is our star accordion player, but enjoys dancing too much to "make music" at a dance. She is often seen speeding down the street in her truck. I wonder what's chasing her?
Fred Waite

Fred rates tops as a nature-boy. He can bag more geese in a season than most can in a lifetime. Some day he'll build a house fit for a queen (Buckingham Palace).
Diane Karasewich

Diane is our class slow-poke, but she's just waiting to spend the future as editor of the Farmer's Gazette.
Josephine Edwards

Jo-Jo is making a study of how many giggles a teacher can stand in one day --- and she's just about reached the limit of her observation.
Tony Vnuk

Tony is the "Romeo" of Grade XI. He's a farmer now, but dreams of one day becoming a costume fitter for a ballet company.
Ken Good

Ken is known as "Carrots" --- in the lab he is valuable and so is called "Carats". We conclude the future holds a bright (red?) spot for our "Mr. President."
Merle Buckingham

Merle is interested in chemistry, especially the weight problems. She's going to be a teacher --- teaching unknown quantities.
Ruth Campbell

Ruth is a quiet girl. I suppose she keeps all her secrets in a treasure chest(er). She is a conscientious student --- always does well in Maths.
Gerald Moore

He's the class public relations boy --- as M.C. or entertainment director he is tops! Gerry's ambition is to cure Elvis Presley of tonsilitis.
Joan Verbrugge

Everyone often has the same answer as Joan, our mathematical genius. Wonder why? Are you sure that Englishman writes only about dog teams, Joan?
Pat McMahon

Pat is a good student when she puts her mind to studying. Her ambition is to be a stenographer for a rich businessman (preferably young).
Ron Pichurski

Ron is the "rock and roll" fiend of grade XI. We expect to find him cutting discs for "Decca" one of these days. How about that, Ron?
Marie Karasewich

Marie is flying in a cloud now, away from work and other such nonsense. Oh, for a honeymoon in a genuine flying machine!
Marlene Webb

Marlene is rather quiet (except in school) and does her homework (occasionally). Her ambition is to take a Course at vocational school.
Bob Essery

Robert James Malcalm Dempsey Essery (whew!) is a sports minded individual who has the habit of being late four days out of five. He is headed for the Mounties after graduation.
Ken Monkman

"Smiley" is our hockey hero, the studious type. His ambition is to manufacture step ladders for large transfer trucks.
Betty Mollard

Betty is the brunette vocalist of our class. Along with Carol, maybe she'll pick bananas for the "hill and gully riders".
Beverly McIvor

Bev is our answer to Liberace --- and much more attractive! The future may find her driving Cadillacs (bought with bank money)?
Doug Oakwood

"Blue Monday" would rather do anything than go to school --- even farm. His ambition is to sell termites to turkey farmers.
Emily Buck

Our "personality plus" girl, and a real hockey "pro" (between homework assignments). Next year will find her taking temperatures at General Hospital.
Sid Paulsen

Sid is a redhead who came from Saskatchewan last year to enliven our class. His ambition is to trim "Hard-boiled" Haggerty in a wrestling match.
Elaine Prime

Elaine could obtain good marks, but she spends too much time keeping the ice warm at the hockey rink. She also "flips nips" at "Johnnies."
Shirley Laurie

Shirley is a busy person; clerking in a store, typing her "budgets" and preparing to be a housekeeper on a cattle ranch.
Velma Morton

Velma considers school to be a half-day affair. She'd like to be a detective searching for mice in clothes closets.
Jill Matthewson

Jill is one of those fortunate persons who manage to combine good marks with fun. Wish we knew how she does it.
Carol Tinney

She is a quiet type --- until she begins to jive. This blue-eyed blonde shows great interest in drug stores, during and after working hours.
David Parkinson

Dave carries on the extensive (and skilled) practice of being lazy in school. His ambition is to be a floor walker.
Jenny Gay

Jenny is the girl with the soft voice. Mr. Johnson says she needs a P.A. system to be heard, but Jenny wouldn't think of waking the class. So thoughtful!
Lloyd Heidahl

It's our belief that Lloyd uses a Toni regularly to curl his hair. His ambition is to co-star in a movie with Anita Ekberg.