Stonewall Collegiate Institute
1956 - 57
Essay on Books

John Harcus
Grade IX (1956-57)
Stonewall Collegiate Institute

Although little thought about, books are one of the most important influences on the civilization of today. The history of books is indeed a very fascinating one. It was not many centuries ago that books had to be written by hand, which was a very slow and tedious task. Because of this fact a book was a very expensive and prized article. It was not until the fifteenth century that a German printer, named Johann Gutenburg, discovered how to print with movable type. From this time forth books have played an ever increasing role of importance in the world.

Although books are important for many reasons, one of the best reasons is for education. From books we learn about foreign lands, history, science, and many other interesting subjects. Books also help us to increase our vocabulary and to raise our thinking to a higher level. Because of the knowledge we received from books we are better suited to cope with the many problems around us and are far more intelligent beings.

Besides receiving knowledge from books there is also a tremendous pleasure received from reading them. When a person becomes interested in a book all his problems are quickly forgotten. One can go on inexpensive journeys to the jungles of Africa, the South Pole, or thousands of other places. One also may enjoy the tense excitement of a mystery, or a thrilling animal story. The reading of books can truly afford one many pleasant hours.

In spite of the fact that many great books have been written there is one which is the greatest of the great. I refer to the Holy Bible. This is the book on which our spiritual thinking is based. The influence of this book is tremendous. The Bible is a guide to life, and if the teachings of Christ are followed and God is believed in, ours is the eternal life. The Bible's teachings have led people in the past and shall continue to do so until the end of the earth.

Because of the several importances of books I have just mentioned, such as educational pleasure, and spiritual guidance, I find the reading of books a very enjoyable pastime. I can truly guarantee that if any person who does not like reading, reads several books in earnest, he, too, would enjoy and appreciate the full importance of books.